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 Connecting with Peace..

music, poetry, workshops, ceremony, storytelling

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Peace as a Way of Life 

with Satish Kumar

‘In order to make peace, we have to transform divisions into diversity, and celebrate diversity,
then we can make peace with people and peace with the Earth’ so says Satish Kumar, a former Jain monk born in India, nuclear disarmament activist, pacifist, founder of Schumacher College, Dartington and currently author, editor of Resurgence & Ecologist Magazine. Satish is also the author of ten books on aspects of peaceful and sustainable living and he has spoken at many events in countries all over the world. He has been teaching on non-violence all his life. In the 1960s, Satish walked for peace - with no money for the trip- bringing a ‘peace tea’ to the leaders of four nuclear-armed countries: travelling to Washington, London, Paris and Moscow, a journey over 8000 miles. I tell people who call me "unrealistic" to show me what their realism has done.’ An example we may consider in our own life journeys.

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Green poems for a Blue Planet 

with Martin Kiszko

In his work as the ‘UK’s Green Poet’, Martin has published two  books of poetry: Green Poems for a Blue Planet and Verse for the Earth both illustrated by Aardman Animation’s four time Oscar winning Nick Park and endorsed by environmentalist Jonathon Porritt. Martin’s one man show has been performed from LA to India and from Malta to the Edinburgh Fringe! Martin was Poet in Residence for Bristol European Green Capital 2015 and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Bristol in recognition of his work. Martin’s show and workshops explore what it means to be green! (Or not!) Reviews have described Martin as ‘great entertainment’, ‘a wonderfully engaging performer’, ‘funny, enlightening and thoughtful’ and ‘sheer environmental magic’. ‘What a multi-talented chap you are!’ - Sir David Attenborough.  Trash will be provided for Martin’s workshop but please feel free to bring your own junk to write a poem on.

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Harmony in the Wheel of Time

with Andy Wistreich

Being Time - a workshop to reveal inner stillness
Starting from the question ‘what is time?’, this workshop will lead us to the profound recognition that we ourselves are time. Moreover, while we live out our minutes, hours and days on the swings and roundabouts of relative time, ultimately, at the very heart of time, is a preternatural stillness. Many people record experiences of time stopping, but what does this mean?  This workshop will include experiential exercises to help us discover the answer.

Harmonising our feminine and masculine aspects
Drawing on the processes of the Kalachakra Tantra, a buddhist system of meditative practice, this workshop explores the feminine and masculine sides of our being. It's helpful to recognise how these are often disconnected and conflicted, whereas they yearn to cooperate and dance in harmony. In the workshop we will use a variety of exercises, including meditations, to discover the essential unity of these two halves of ourselves, and thereby enter a path to deep healing.


'Army of Hope & Ways to Peace

Rubicon Dance Company


Dancers from Rubicon will be performing two pieces at ‘Ways to Peace’, including ‘Army of Hope’, choreographed by Matteo Marfoglia, along with participatory workshops and dance demonstration, for all to join.

Rubicon Dance Company was established in 1976 as one of the first community dance development organisations in the UK. Rubicon aims to: provide dance for people of all ages and abilities in a variety of community settings, and to provide consistent access to high quality dance activities within a policy of equal opportunity and open access.
Since the 1980s, Rubicon has continued to grow and offer opportunities, including full-time dance courses, apprenticeships, international exchanges, and youth schemes. They have also received the Arts Council of Wales Beacon award (2008), a conFUSION Dance Group award for Understanding Disability (2013), and an Age Cymru Gwanwyn Award (2014). For more information about Rubicon Dance, their classes, and programmes, follow them on social media, and visit their website at:

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Japanese Tea Ceremony

a talk & demonstration with Yukiko Wilson


The Tea Ceremony is one of the most representative Japanese traditions. It involves many arts and crafts objects as well as spiritual elements, providing an opportunity to stimulate your five senses.  The green tea used in the ceremony is called Matcha, which is bitter and has a stronger taste than normal green tea with a richer flavour. In this special event, Ways to Peace, we hope people can discover unique traditions and experience a peaceful moment.Yukiko Wilson studied the tea ceremony for 10 years under a tea master from the Edo-Omote Senke tea school in Tokyo.  She will introduce a Chabako style demonstration at 11.00 am and host a tea ceremony at 2.00pm together with a brief talk on the history of the tea culture.

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Earth Mandala Creation

with Fiona Frank & the Parva Strings Quartet

Award winning Tintern composer and violinist Fiona Frank plays with the Parva Springs String Quartet (Nick, Ischia and Alex) a selection of her own compositions: ‘Tears of Gaia’, inspired by the grief one feels at  the continued exploitation of our beautiful planet, and ‘Lullaby Wye’ – a dreamy musical meditation on the River Wye. This will be followed by creation of an Earth Mandala and a short musical meditation. Baskets of feathers, petals, shells etc will be available, and please feel free to bring your own special items to help create the Mandala and celebrate Earth’s bounty.


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What is Peace?

a meditation with Ven. Choje Lama Rabsang

The Venerable Choje Lama Rabsang was born in 1971 in a remote village in Eastern Tibet and became a monk when he was 11 years old. He spent his early years studying Buddhism under the direction of his uncle and later studied under several distinguished lamas at Sherab Ling Monastery in the foothills of the Himalayas. He has completed the traditional 3 year retreat and served as discipline master for four years before heading to the UK in 2001. He now resides in South Wales at Palpung Buddhist meditation centre where he leads regular meditation classes and Buddhist practice retreats. Lama Rabsang’s engaging meditation will be on the true meaning of peace within our inner being.

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Tales of Wales & the World

with Cardiff storyteller Richard Berry

Traditional storyteller, writer and theatre worker, Richard also works with drama role play and communication. Former artistic director of Theatr Fynnon and visiting lecturer in Applied drama to the University of Wales, Newport, he has devoted his life to working as a theatre practitioner in educational and community settings. His most recent projects have been at St Michaels Newport, at Glenboi Primary school , Aberdare – financially supported by RCT Homes, ‘Speaking and Listening ‘ project at Kitchener road school , Cardiff and ‘ Connecting The Ages’ - an art and literacy school project that  he is proud to have taken part in – which showed  the importance of connecting children with the elderly through the ancient art of storytelling and design.


Ikebana - Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement

a talk and demonstration by Tamayo Hussey

Ikebana is the ancient Japanese art of flower arrangement. It is also known as Kado, the way of flowers. Its origins date back to the sixth century when the influence of Buddhism reached Japan and then developed into the disciplined form known today in the sixteenth century. There are a number of classic styles and modern approaches in Ikebana but the principle of creating an Ikebana arrangement remains the same; for the arranger to observe and meditate on the beauty and harmony of nature and through this, gain inner peace.
Tamayo runs her Ikebana class in Monmouth, Wye Valley. Tamayo’s website:

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Drumming Performance &Workshops

with Djabot Drumming Group

Djabot drumming group are a group of people who get together and learn to play and perform African rhythms and songs. Lucky enough to have been taught by several Senegalese drummers throughout the years, they are currently enjoying learning the style of drumming and singing under master drummers Oumar and Arona who have put their own mark onto drumming and singing. The group meets weekly on Wednesday evenings and is open to all regardless of age and ability.

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Philosophers for Peace

a talk-in convened by Professor John Clarke

The Tintern Philosophy Circle, which meets monthly at the Rose & Crown pub, invites you to a talk-in as part of the Ways to Peace Festival. All are welcome, no previous knowledge of philosophy needed to participate in, or just to listen and enjoy, an open-ended informal discussion on the subject: What is peace? Is it more than just the ending of war or of everyday human conflict? Can we ever achieve peace? Is peace even desirable?  With Professor John  Clarke who has published  several books on C.G. Jung and on  East-West philosophy. His latest book is The Self Creating Universe: the Making of a Worldview.

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Write for Peace

readings by a Community of Poets

Peace, whatever its definition or interpretation, is indeed a human constant and global endeavour. Writing groups of all ages situated around Tintern have been invited to write a poem or a short piece of prose about peace. Contributions will be read by their authors or fellow writers. The visitors are invited to listen to these contributions. A dedicated visitor book will be available for comments on the day. Then, hoping this session enthuse many visitors to take the pen, one of the legacy of the entire event will be to invite submissions from all to create an anthology of short written pieces dedicated entirely to peace, whether it be inner peace, peace with others, or peace with nature. It is planned to launch this anthology on the 2019 International day of Peace.

This project has been supported by the Sustainable Development Fund (SDF),
a Welsh Government initiative in the Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

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Welsh Church Fund